List of seo tools
<b>1. Google page rank</b>
Check google page rank, Moz Domain Authority and Page Authority
<b>2. Keyword position (SERP) tracker</b>
Find out where you domain stand on big search engines (google, bing, yahoo) for a specific keyword
<b>3. Keyword difficulty</b>
Use this tool to check how difficult it is to rank on top of search engine, great tool for keyword research
<b>4. Keyword suggestion</b>
Find long tail keywords from your main keyword.
<b>5. On page seo report</b>
Check how good your page is optimized for a keyword.
<b>6. Alexa statistics</b>
Check your website ranks on Alexa Rank is the traffic rank of a website, compared to all other sites on the web.
<b>7. Website info</b>
Provide basic information about a domain e.g. whois info, server location.
Note: This is a minimal version so it has some limitation, you can try our full version on the web at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>